Drew Hartman

Marketer and Strategist | Adding authentic narrative value to growing brands


Hi — I’m Drew.

I am an experienced creative marketer skilled at connecting athletes and outdoor enthusiasts to impactful, authentic storytelling and experiential marketing—and creating scalable systems to do so too. The vast landscape of the athletic experience and individuals’ journey to movement is what inspires me most in the space. I’m currently based in Boulder, CO, working in marketing for Tracksmith, but I’m fortunate enough to experience and converse with run culture globally both digitally and in person.

When I’m not working, you can find me training for my next road race, collaborating with friends and mentees on content and commerce projects, playing disc golf, or searching for the best breakfast sandwich.

Let’s connect and collaborate to make something impactful!

Creator / Contributor / Comrade

Listen to Drew’s recent podcast with SPARC:

Get in Touch.